SPECIAL OFFERS FOR LISTENERS OF THE TOM WOODS SHOW Receive 25% off the course combos below!THESE COMBINATIONS WERE CURATED SPECIFICALLY FOR LISTENERS OF THE TOM WOODS SHOW. THE DISCOUNT IS AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME – SO ACT NOW! Scott Horton's courses on the Afghanistan War and the War on Terror A history of the origins and consequences of America’s longest war, with an argument for immediate withdrawal. An argument that U.S. military interventions created and sustained what appears to be a self-perpetuating war. Learn more Normally $98 Add to cart for $73 Thad Russell's courses on World War II and the History of U.S. Foreign Policy Examine the emergent, revisionist history of whether America's "good war" was actually America's greatest blowback. An argument that globalist, imperialist ideas were embedded in America's founding philosophy. Learn more Normally $98 Add to cart for $73 Thad Russell's courses on his Renegade History of the United States and the History of Race in America It was not “good” citizens who established American liberty, but “immoral” and “degraded” people on the fringes of society. This course examines the origins of the idea of “races” of human beings in the U.S., and traces its deployment over two centuries in efforts to conquer, exterminate, civilize, and assimilate various “races” of people both inside the U.S. and across the world. Learn more Normally $196 Add to cart for $147